As part of theĀ IWGGD, scientific working groups have been working together to create patient’s centered guidelines for Gaucher disease.
In general, the Gaucher disease-specific treatment of women with Gaucher disease needs to follow the recommendations stated in the treatment and monitoring working group (WG).
The aim of this guideline is to provide evidence-based recommendations to best meet patients' needs, ensuring timely and accurate diagnosis for GD patients.
It is now acknowledged that patients' input in health outcome assessment is vital to understanding the impact of diseases and interventions.
In general, the Gaucher-disease specific treatment of children (< 18 years) with Gaucher disease needs to follow the recommendations stated in the treatment and monitoring working group (WG).
Recently, patients living with Gaucher disease, their caregivers and families, and patient organisations, have increasing concerns about the circumstances of switching medicines used to treat this rare condition.
Nutritional and healthy lifestyle issues are important in adult patients with GD with respect to cardiovascular risk, liver diseases and bone health.
The aim of this report is to provide guidance for a well-planned and coordinated transition of care from pediatric/adolescent to adult care of patients with Gaucher disease (GD).
Pre-GD Clinic Evaluation Form, for female adults - English Version
Pre-GD Clinic Evaluation Form, for male adults - English Version